Easy Pour Watering Spout

R45,00 Incl VAT

SKU: EEPWS Category:
  • It can be a messy business if you try and water small flowering pots using a standard watering can. Especially hanging pots and planters.
  • This simple but handy spout is the answer to prevent a wet mess!
  • Simply connect the spout to any standard soda bottle and convert it into a versatile and easy-to-use watering can.
  • The spout can also be used to apply premixed detergents to toilets, baths and showers.
  • Save money on detergents by premixing your cleaning products into 2 liter bottles, before allowing cleaners to use a full bottle to clean small items.
  • The uses for this item are endless.

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  • Fill any standard soda bottle with water or premixed detergents.
  • Screw the Easy pour watering spout onto the top.
  • There you go!